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Self-Righteous Spirituality


Self-righteous spirituality...are you guys as over it as I am?

It shows up, in energy and words, like...

My frequency is higher than yours.

I'm better at being spiritual than you are.

You don't know how to manifest properly.

You're not as attuned or aligned as I am.

This dogma is, well, for the dogs. I'd put forward that hierarchies, pedestals, and guru mentalities aren't helping any of us.

I'm aware of the places where it's shown up in myself in the past, and I can't say it's made things better for myself or those I cast my judgment on. Because that's what this is. Judgment.

If you're here, in a human body living a human experience, you're not always going to be 'high frequency.' You're not always going to be super spiritual or have all the answers or know the perfect way to manifest or alchemize every situation.

Because you're human. We all are. We're imperfect. And diverse. And each and every one of us is beautiful in our own way.

So in all the good you're doing in this world, in all the heartfelt and soulful ways that you're living, don't let the self-righteous dogma get you down.

Keep your head high in all your beautiful, messy human glory. Maybe you got this. Maybe you don't. But one thing I'm sure of is that you belong here. This I know.

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