One-On-One Sessions
Massage, reiki/frequency activation, readings, one-on-one reiki certification and lightworker training…I offer many potential paths for your health and wellness journey. Sessions are available in-person in my studio in Creston, BC, or online anywhere.
Having trained in many different modalities, I artfully weave them together into my own unique style to address the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of self. Much of the tension and pain that is felt in the body is a physical manifestation of held/stored energy. Looking at health, wellness, and healing through a holistic lens provides the most benefit to the whole, rather than isolating symptoms and issues and treating them as separate.
Together, we can work through any combination of physical, mental, emotional, and trauma layers within to help align you with your soul frequency and bring you back to a natural state of peace, harmony, and ease.

Choose deep tissue or relaxation massage, or something in between, with as little or as much reiki/energy work as you like! For those with benefits, please note that I am not registered and unable to direct bill. I can issue receipts for you to submit to your benefit provider, however you need to check directly with them to ensure the receipts will be reimbursed. I offer flexibility in pricing. Fees are on a sliding scale so you choose the amount within the range that is fair and available for you. 60 min | $85-$105 90 min | $110-$130

These unique energy work sessions meet you where you are at and are personalized to your needs. The goal here is to remove the “noise and clutter” within so that you feel lighter, clearer, aligned, and can more easily tune to your own soul frequency. In your session, I may: - cleanse, clear, and protect - offer chakra, energy field, and frequency activations - channel insights and messages - address specific points of concern, such as unresolved issues, feelings of being stuck or blocked, repeating patterns, etc. Sessions are available online or in-person at my studio in Creston, BC. I offer flexibility in pricing. Fees are on a sliding scale so you choose the amount within the range that is fair and available for you. 60 min | $85-$105

These are intuitive and introspective readings that assist you in the here and now on your life path and soul journey. Whether you are in a season of healing, growth, integration, transformation, or expansion, we can take a deeper look at the dynamics and find clarity for the path forward. In a session, we may look at: - current and incoming energies - what’s expanding and opening/activating - what’s clearing and releasing - what’s under the surface and behind the scenes - what areas of your life need more or less attention - what guides are offering support to you currently - messages and guidance from spirit, the higher self, and your guides Sessions are available online or in-person at my studio in Creston, BC. Readings are approx. 45-60 minutes | $95 Add-on a mini-reading to any session | $40
Life Journey/Soul Path Reading

Similar to the Life Path/Soul Journey reading, this Channeled Writing reading assists you in the here and now on your life path and soul journey. Whether you are in a season of healing, growth, integration, transformation, or expansion, we can take a deeper look at the dynamics and find clarity for the path forward. The difference is that your reading comes in the form of a document that I have channeled through writing. I prepare a series of 8-10 questions and in conjunction with cards, I tap into the ‘field’ to download and channel-write the answers and messages for you at this moment in time. Questions can be along the lines of: - What’s the underlying message of the recent events that have happened in my life? - What’s the most important action that I can take right now to support myself moving forward on my highest path? - What are my strengths and opportunities currently and in the near future? - What are my weaknesses and challenges currently and in the near future? - What messages are your dreams, visions, and intuitive knowings bringing you right now? - What is the most important message that your guides have for you at this time? You will receive an email with a written document as well as a photo of any of the cards that were pulled. You also have the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any points once you have reviewed the document. These sessions are only available by distance (not-in-person). $125
with Reiki Level One and Two Certification

This is a unique one-on-one reiki certification that’s so much more! It’s a deep-level activation of your soul and spirit to open new pathways of potential, coming into deeper alignment with your highest self. A lot of people who become certified in reiki do not pursue it as a career field. They weave the wisdom, knowledge, and tools into both their personal and professional lives. Reiki is a foundational building block or a jumping-off point for many on their spiritual path. And this is a unique course; there is no other like it, as I have personally created it and wrote the manual. It provides the foundation and knowledge needed for Reiki Level One and Two Certification, along with what I refer to as Lightworker Energetics. The intention is to activate your vibrant and YOUnique energy field by sharing a combination of my frequency, energy, wisdom, and knowledge. You will be guided in a way that helps you to open to your own innate wisdom, gifts, and magic to bring forth to the world in whatever way fits for you. Both personally and professionally, this program strengthens your spiritual muscles, enhances your presence, expands your inner light, and opens up new possibilities. The best part is that this is one-on-one so you will never be left behind or have unanswered questions. What you can expect from this offering: - Approx. 6 hours of instructional time (depending on how fast we move through material) and additional support during and after practicum - Guided meditation at the start of each session - An exploration of the nine-chakra system and an activation of each chakra - Two attunements - A printed manual (mailed to you) - A certificate of completion (mailed to you) Along with the fundamentals of reiki, other areas we will explore include, but are not limited to: - The symbols of reiki and beyond - Cosmic energies, spiritual laws, and hermetic principles - The four agreements - The art of holding space - Working with the dying - Reiki by distance - Reiki beyond humans Once we have completed our instructional time, you will be responsible for finding three different practice clients where you offer a minimum of a 30-minute complete reiki session to each one in order to meet your hands-on practice requirements. These sessions need to be free for your clients, as they are practice sessions, and they must agree to complete a short survey afterward that is private and comes directly to me. We will review these sessions prior to your final certification and completion of the course. Your investment is $555. I cannot wait to work with you and activate your unique soul frequency!

Book in for a one-on-one Kundalini Yoga session that is tailored to your specific needs (such as stress relief, adrenal and kidney function, or energy elevation)! You will receive personalized instruction followed by a short reiki/frequency activation and will be sent a link to a video of the yoga sequence so that you can continue to practice at home. Kundalini is its own unique branch of yoga that ultimately focuses on awakening the soul and expanding consciousness. The focus is on integrating breathwork with movement and mantra, effectively clearing, releasing, energizing, revitalizing, and expanding your frequency throughout the practice. In just one session, you can feel a substantial shift in your body mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. This is a deeply personal experience and an amazing practice! Sessions are available online or in-person at my studio in Creston, BC. $150 per session
#6 - 223 16th Ave. N
Creston, BC
By Appointment Only