Temple of the Jaguar in Teotihuacan is such a spectacular and sacred space.
There is so much that is supposedly unknown about this site and its uses. But I also believe that's by design, as so much is intentionally kept from us.
There are portals within the temple. Our small group would stop, close our eyes, and connect to the energy. And the guard was visibly irritated by it, continually interrupting us and pushing us along.
There's a space down below within the temple, lined with the four-petaled flowers, where it felt clear that multidimensional travel of some sort took place. Of course, the room is blocked so that the public cannot access it.
But the little bit I was able to tap into in that space was incredible. A bending of space and time. A heart-filled experience that reinforced so much for me. A deepening of my relationship with the mystery.
There is so much that is hidden from us. So much that is surrounded in lies and deception. And it makes sense. Those in charge of the controlling structures that confine our day-to-day lives will not benefit from the expansion of our consciousness. In fact, it's the very thing that will make it all crumble and collapse.
It's already beginning to happen.
We are bound by all the things we have been told are not possible. We don't believe in our inherent potential and magic that is laying dormant in each and every one of us, waiting ever so patiently to be awakened.
My journey has been about breaking this down. Breaking down barriers, conditioning, belief systems, transcending fears, and doing what "they" say can't be done. My trip to Mexico and the training I completed multiplied this for me ten-fold.
Day after day, I would stand trembling in my body, tears in my eyes, not sure if the lump in my throat or my stomach was bigger, all while my mind screamed, "You can't do this!!"
And every day, I did.
Every day, I stepped deeper into my power, unveiling my potential, while wrapping myself in the mystery.
So think about this...
How would your life change if you made the impossible possible? If you did the things that everyone told you can't be done? If you held your deepest fears in one hand and your biggest courage in the other and took the leap, because you trusted your body and your heart more than your agreements, conditions, and stories.
What would your life be like? What would you uncover within yourself?
Ponder this energy, these questions. And stay tuned.
I will be bringing these very opportunities to you. And when I do, I hope that you will join me, in the grandest liberation of your spirit ever experienced.
I promise.